Sunday 5 April 2015

     Human Respiratory System - Breathing is the need of every creature. Humans breathe to get oxygen . If human is not breathing, human beings cannot life. Breathing is the process of inserting oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. therefore, this article will provide information about human respiratory system include respiratory organs, respiratory mechanism and respiratory diseases.

1. Respiratory Organs
        Respiratory Organs - The following respiratory organs, that is nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli.

Picture Human Respiratory Organs

   A. Nasal Cavity ( Cavum Nasalis )
          The nasal is the first place through which air from outside. Air can exit and enter through the nasal cavity. Nasal cavity always damp because of the mucous membranes. Mucous membranes and smooth hair serves to filter dust and dirt in with the air, attach dirt on the nose hair, and regulate breathing air temperature.

   B. Pharynx
          The pharynx is the junction between the nasal cavity to the throat (respiratory) and oral cavity to the esophagus (digestive tract). On the back of the pharynx are larynx.

   C. Larynx
          The larynx is also called the base of the throat. In the larynx are the vocal cords and epiglottis or larynx valve. At the time swallowing, the epiglottis covers the larynx so the food does not go into the throat. In contrast to the breathing time, epiglottis will open so the air into the larynx and then to the throat.

   D. Trachea
          Throat shaped like a pipe with a length of approximately 10 cm. The trachea divides into the bronchi. Throat wall consists of the following three layers.

1)   The outermost layer consists of connective tissue.
2)  The middle layer consists of smooth muscle and cartilage ring. The trachea is composed of 16-20 ring-shaped cartilage C. The back of the cartilage rings is not connected and attached to the esophagus. It is useful to maintain the trachea remains open.
3)   Innermost layer consists of ciliated epithelial tissue that produces a lot of mucus.This mucus function captures dust and microorganisms that come in while breathing air.

   E. Bronchi
          The trachea bronchial branches, branching into a pair. Bronchus to the left is longer, narrower, and the horizontal than to the right. This has resulted the right lung more susceptible to disease. Bronchial wall structure similar to the trachea. The difference tracheal wall thicker than the walls of the bronchi. Right bronchus branches into three bronchioles whereas the left bronchus branches into two bronchioles.

   F. Bronchioles
          Bronchioles is a branch of the bronchus. Bronchial branches into increasingly fine line, small, and the walls are thinner. Bronchial does not have cartilage but sockets ciliated. Each bronchial empties into the alveoli.

   G. Alveoli
          Alveoli are the last line of a respirator. Alveolar wall contains blood capillaries. On alveolar an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Alveolar structure that supports of function as a gas exchange as follows.
1)   Alveolar walls are very thin
2)   Alveolar form a small pouch like a grape
3)   Inner surface of the alveoli is coated by epithelial cells

   H. Lungs ( Pulmo )
          Lung is the primary breathing apparatus in humans. Lungs are located in the chest cavity. Lungs are divided into several parts or lobes. Right lung has three lobes while the left lung has two lobes. Lungs wrapped by the pleura. In the middle of pleura, there is fluid serves as a lubricant lungs. Pleural fluid prevent friction between the lungs and the chest wall movement during respiration. More information about Pulmo click here


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