Animals Respiratory System

     Animals Respiratory System - In addition to humans, animals also have respiratory system. Respiratory organs in Invertebrate animals and Vertebrates are different. Invertebrates animals don't have a special respiratory system so still using diffusion respiration likes Sponges, Coelenterata, and Vermes. Vertebrates animals have a special respiratory system like pisces with...

Human Respiratory System - Respiratory Diseases

3. Respiratory Diseases Picture Human Respiratory Diseases           Respiratory Diseases - Every human organ, have disorders, one of kind is the respiratory organs. Following will explain various disease in the human respiratory system.    A. Asphyxia           Defects or disorders in the transport of oxygen to...

Human Respiratory System - Respiratory Mechanism

2. Respiratory Mechanism           Respiratory Mechanism - In the respiratory system, occurs the respiratory mechanism. Based on the type of active muscles, breathing human being divided into two, breathing chest and abdominal breathing.    A.   Breathimg Chest                Muscle which active in the chest...

Human Respiratory System - Respiratory Organs

     Human Respiratory System - Breathing is the need of every creature. Humans breathe to get oxygen . If human is not breathing, human beings cannot life. Breathing is the process of inserting oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. therefore, this article will provide information about human respiratory system include respiratory organs, respiratory mechanism and respiratory diseases. 1....


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